Ancestral Karmic Stories and Your Abundance

ancestral connection ancestral healing ancestral story healing ancestrally rooted medicine dr. monique Jun 07, 2024

Ready to hear some wisdom straight from the Ancestors? This week's Ancestral Messages Master Class was a fascinating journey!  

During the class, I shared powerful messages from your ascended Ancestors and explored how they can help you heal ancestral stories and family patterns affecting your business success. I also shared an invitation to the Ancestral Stories Healing and Connection 8-Week program for those who want to take their healing, connection, and learning to a deeper level. 


Here's what we talked about: 

  • Karmic Stories and Your Abundance: Learn about the types of karmic stories blocking your abundance. 
  • Q&A Session: I answered questions about the Ancestors. Maybe your question was answered. 
  • Guided Journey: We embarked on a guided journey to connect with your healer Ancestors. Think of it as a family reunion, but with more spiritual wisdom, fewer awkward small talks, and obligatory potato salad.


So, click on the replay, open your heart, and grab a cup of tea (or something stronger; no judgment here 😄). Light a candle, and connect with Ancestors! 

Join the Ancestrally Rooted Healers and Spiritual Entrepreneurs Community for Free Live Altar Ceremonies and Workshops to Clear Karmic Stories and Connect with Your Ancestors. 

When you join Ancestrally Rooted Healers and Spiritual Entrepreneurs, you will receive guided meditations, the latest news, healings, and more.

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